Traditional Acupuncture
What is Acupuncture and what does it do?
Acupuncture is a system of health care that has been developed, refined, and practiced in China for over the past 4,000 years. It involves the superficial insertion of hair-thin needles into points on the body that have been proven to relieve pain and disease. In ancient times, acupuncture (along with herbal medicine) was used as the primary method of treating injuries and illness. Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years for one simple reason….it works very well. Nowadays, most people come to an acupuncturist for medical problems that do not respond well to western medicine (ie. Drugs, surgery, pain killers, etc.).
How much of acupuncture is due to the “placebo effect”? Do I have to believe in it for it to work?
That’s a good question and many scientific studies have been done on this topic. While many studies say that acupuncture is a legitimate medical therapy, many also say that it is no better than a placebo. It depends on who funded the study, the skill level of the hired acupuncturist, and how it was conducted. What form of placebo was used (there are many kinds) and what kind of treatment outcomes were measured against the control group? Please remember that the “double-blind” experimental model used in American research was designed specifically for researching pharmaceutical drugs, not therapeutic services such as acupuncture. It’s like trying to use a stethoscope to measure the tire pressure in your car…it wasn’t meant for that and you won’t get accurate information.
Another problem with research studies is that acupuncture is just like any other form of skilled labor (i.e.: carpentry)…you have a huge variance in skill and quality depending upon the craftsperson and the quality of work they do.
That being said, I invite you to research the term “placebo” at You will find that according to scientific research standards, the placebo effect does not achieve more than a 30 percent success rate by definition. Our success rate at Natural Chinese Medicine is roughly over 90 percent as tracked by our patient files. So if what we are doing is in fact placebo…then it’s the best damn placebo in the world.
Please read my article entitled “How much of acupuncture is due to the placebo effect?” for more on this topic.
How does it work?
Extremely well.
I’d like to receive care at NCM but am terrified of needles.
If you have a fear of needles then we do not recommend coming for acupuncture because it involves needles.
In the past when we have tried treating patients with needle phobia it never works out. The doctor ends up doing a treatment based on what the patient can psychologically handle, rather than what they need to overcome their medical condition. The end result is that the patient does not benefit from the treatments and the whole process becomes a waste of time and money for them.
How do you handle getting a basic shot at your doctor's office? If it's no big deal then you'll be fine receiving acupuncture. But if you find the experience to be stressful or terrifying, we do not recommend coming to us.
Is acupuncture safe?
When performed by a licensed and properly trained practitioner, acupuncture is arguably the safest form of alternative health care available.
Do you use disposable needles?
Yes. At Natural Chinese Medicine we ONLY use disposable needles. Thus there is no risk of infection whatsoever.
Is acupuncture compatible with the care that my Medical Doctor provides?
Yes, but please consult your physician if you have any doubts on this matter. Patients at our office are told that it is never required nor recommended that they discontinue regular care from their physician. We work with conventional medicine and not against it.
How is acupuncture licensed and regulated?
Acupuncture is a licensed and regulated health care profession in over 40 states in the U.S. This includes New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. In addition, the National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) certifies both acupuncturists and Chinese herbal medicine practitioners. We are certified to practice both acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine by the NCCAOM and are licensed in the state of New Jersey to practice acupuncture.
What will I feel during an acupuncture session?
The most common feeling my patients have during acupuncture is one of profound relaxation. Many of them tell me they feel like taking a nap after acupuncture. Some patients feel a pleasant sensation of warmth in their body, and others feel nothing other than relief of the pain that they came in with.
What problems can be treated by acupuncture?
The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture’s effectiveness for over 40 common disorders, such as:
Musculoskeletal disorders
Back pain, neck pain, sciatica, arthritis, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, TMJ, carpel tunnel syndrome, knee pain, plantar fascitis, sports injuries
Neurological Disorders
Paralysis, nerve damage, loss of strength, severe chronic pain, sensory loss, tremors, bell’s palsy, degenerative nervous system disorders (MS, ALS, Parkinson’s, etc.), eye and vision disorders, hearing loss, restless leg syndrome, trauma and injury rehabilitation.
Gynecological disorders
Infertility, endometriosis, PMS, menstrual irregularity, menstrual cramps, menopausal syndrome, urinary tract infections, yeast infections
Endocrine/Hormonal disorders
Hypothyroid, hyperthyroid, chronic fatigue, adrenal exhaustion, diabetes, loss of libido, sexual dysfunction (male and female), anxiety disorder, panic attacks.
Gastrointestinal disorders
Indigestion, IBS, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, ulcers, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome
Immune and Autoimmune disorders
Allergies, bronchitis, asthma, emphysema/COPD, eczema, psoriasis
Circulatory disorders
Hypertension, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, angina pectoris
From looking at this list it may seem that acupuncture can help almost anything. The reason for this is that when performed correctly, acupuncture treats the person and not just the disease. Please think about this because there is a HUGE difference between working towards strengthening a patient so that his entire body is functional and vibrant, versus just trying to alleviate a symptom. Although symptoms quickly resolve with our treatments, we do not merely treat symptoms. We restore balance and strength to the entire person.
How many treatments will I need?
That depends on the duration, severity, and nature of your complaint. You may only need 2-3 treatments for an acute condition. A series of 4-8 treatments may resolve many chronic problems. Some degenerative conditions such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis may require many treatments over time. To help reduce the number of treatments, we will often suggest specific nutritional supplements, Chinese herbal remedies, and dietary modifications all of which will help to increase the efficacy of acupuncture and accelerate the healing process.
After the initial visit, we will outline a treatment plan that includes when you can expect to feel better. If no improvement is seen by this time period, treatment is discontinued.
Do I need to keep coming to you after I feel better?
No. One of the fears that potential patients have with alternative medicine is that the practitioner will try to make them dependent upon coming in for regular care. We don’t do this.
Our feelings are that once you become healthy and functional again, you will stay healthy and functional as long as you follow two guidelines:
1. You avoid whatever habit or activity that originally caused your problem. In other words, you will be fine as long as you don’t re-injure yourself.
2. You follow some simple habits for healthy living that include eating properly, getting enough rest, exercising properly, and managing stress. If you don’t know how to do these things we will teach you while under our care.
Patients are discharged from care once they feel healthy again and are gradually weaned onto a health maintenance program which includes certain nutritional supplements as well as periodic check-up visits (anywhere from once every one to four months depending on the person.
How long is an average treatment?
For the first treatment we will need about 45 minutes to 1 hour of your time. This is needed to perform an exam of your problem, a comprehensive health history, nutritional or herbal counseling if needed, the actual acupuncture treatment (if it's recommended), and then a report of findings so that you can understand what to expect from treatment and how long it will take for you to feel better.
For follow-up visits thereafter we will need 10 to 20 minutes of your time depending on what is being treated. Simple problems such as neck pain or knee pain will only need about 10 minutes while more complicated problems such as infertility or digestive problems will obviously need a little more time.
It’s an unfortunate aspect of modern life that we are all pressed for time. We fully realize that it’s a sacrifice for our patients to take time out of their busy schedule to come for acupuncture treatment. We guarantee that you will not be made to wait excessively for your appointment and that your care will be given in the most professional and efficient manner possible.
Is there anything I need to do before receiving an acupuncture treatment?
There are three things that you can do to help you get the most benefit from your treatment:
1. Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Women should avoid wearing one piece dresses or tight stockings. Men should avoid wearing suits or dress shirts to their appointment.
2. Do not bring your cell phone into the treatment room or at the very least turn it off before entering the office. Having the phone ring during an acupuncture session takes away from the effect of the healing and is distracting to both the Doctor and the patient.
3. Relax. You are in good hands and there is no need to be frightened. Every treatment is individually tailored to fit the patient’s comfort level and needs. Feel free to ask us any questions you may have along the way so that you can get the most benefit from your treatment.
What kind of training have you had? What are your qualifications?
See the “Practitioners” section of this website to view our credentials.
What’s the difference between a licensed acupuncturist and a medical acupuncturist?
A licensed acupuncturist (L.Ac.) has graduated from an accredited school of Traditional Chinese Medicine and has over 3500 hours of training in acupuncture as well as a formal clinical internship in acupuncture.
A medical acupuncturist is usually a medical doctor (and in some states chiropractor) who has anywhere from 100 to 300 hours of classroom training in acupuncture (usually in the form of weekend seminars) with no clinical internship. A medical acupuncturist has NOT graduated from an accredited school of acupuncture.
Obviously, the difference in knowledge, training, and quality of care between a licensed vs. certified acupuncturist is incomparable. The subject matter of acupuncture is so complex and vast that it is difficult to learn its fundamentals even after 3500 hours of training. The abbreviated 100 to 300 hour course was created for research purposes in the 1970’s and was never intended to serve as a way to train practitioners to treat the public.
It is your responsibility as the patient to ask your acupuncturist how much training he/she has received specifically in acupuncture.
I’d like to begin treatment, how do I get started?
Call the office at (201) 818-1588 to set up a time for an initial evaluation and assessment.
Acupuncture is a system of health care that has been developed, refined, and practiced in China for over the past 4,000 years. It involves the superficial insertion of hair-thin needles into points on the body that have been proven to relieve pain and disease. In ancient times, acupuncture (along with herbal medicine) was used as the primary method of treating injuries and illness. Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years for one simple reason….it works very well. Nowadays, most people come to an acupuncturist for medical problems that do not respond well to western medicine (ie. Drugs, surgery, pain killers, etc.).
How much of acupuncture is due to the “placebo effect”? Do I have to believe in it for it to work?
That’s a good question and many scientific studies have been done on this topic. While many studies say that acupuncture is a legitimate medical therapy, many also say that it is no better than a placebo. It depends on who funded the study, the skill level of the hired acupuncturist, and how it was conducted. What form of placebo was used (there are many kinds) and what kind of treatment outcomes were measured against the control group? Please remember that the “double-blind” experimental model used in American research was designed specifically for researching pharmaceutical drugs, not therapeutic services such as acupuncture. It’s like trying to use a stethoscope to measure the tire pressure in your car…it wasn’t meant for that and you won’t get accurate information.
Another problem with research studies is that acupuncture is just like any other form of skilled labor (i.e.: carpentry)…you have a huge variance in skill and quality depending upon the craftsperson and the quality of work they do.
That being said, I invite you to research the term “placebo” at You will find that according to scientific research standards, the placebo effect does not achieve more than a 30 percent success rate by definition. Our success rate at Natural Chinese Medicine is roughly over 90 percent as tracked by our patient files. So if what we are doing is in fact placebo…then it’s the best damn placebo in the world.
Please read my article entitled “How much of acupuncture is due to the placebo effect?” for more on this topic.
How does it work?
Extremely well.
I’d like to receive care at NCM but am terrified of needles.
If you have a fear of needles then we do not recommend coming for acupuncture because it involves needles.
In the past when we have tried treating patients with needle phobia it never works out. The doctor ends up doing a treatment based on what the patient can psychologically handle, rather than what they need to overcome their medical condition. The end result is that the patient does not benefit from the treatments and the whole process becomes a waste of time and money for them.
How do you handle getting a basic shot at your doctor's office? If it's no big deal then you'll be fine receiving acupuncture. But if you find the experience to be stressful or terrifying, we do not recommend coming to us.
Is acupuncture safe?
When performed by a licensed and properly trained practitioner, acupuncture is arguably the safest form of alternative health care available.
Do you use disposable needles?
Yes. At Natural Chinese Medicine we ONLY use disposable needles. Thus there is no risk of infection whatsoever.
Is acupuncture compatible with the care that my Medical Doctor provides?
Yes, but please consult your physician if you have any doubts on this matter. Patients at our office are told that it is never required nor recommended that they discontinue regular care from their physician. We work with conventional medicine and not against it.
How is acupuncture licensed and regulated?
Acupuncture is a licensed and regulated health care profession in over 40 states in the U.S. This includes New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. In addition, the National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) certifies both acupuncturists and Chinese herbal medicine practitioners. We are certified to practice both acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine by the NCCAOM and are licensed in the state of New Jersey to practice acupuncture.
What will I feel during an acupuncture session?
The most common feeling my patients have during acupuncture is one of profound relaxation. Many of them tell me they feel like taking a nap after acupuncture. Some patients feel a pleasant sensation of warmth in their body, and others feel nothing other than relief of the pain that they came in with.
What problems can be treated by acupuncture?
The World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture’s effectiveness for over 40 common disorders, such as:
Musculoskeletal disorders
Back pain, neck pain, sciatica, arthritis, tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, TMJ, carpel tunnel syndrome, knee pain, plantar fascitis, sports injuries
Neurological Disorders
Paralysis, nerve damage, loss of strength, severe chronic pain, sensory loss, tremors, bell’s palsy, degenerative nervous system disorders (MS, ALS, Parkinson’s, etc.), eye and vision disorders, hearing loss, restless leg syndrome, trauma and injury rehabilitation.
Gynecological disorders
Infertility, endometriosis, PMS, menstrual irregularity, menstrual cramps, menopausal syndrome, urinary tract infections, yeast infections
Endocrine/Hormonal disorders
Hypothyroid, hyperthyroid, chronic fatigue, adrenal exhaustion, diabetes, loss of libido, sexual dysfunction (male and female), anxiety disorder, panic attacks.
Gastrointestinal disorders
Indigestion, IBS, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, ulcers, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome
Immune and Autoimmune disorders
Allergies, bronchitis, asthma, emphysema/COPD, eczema, psoriasis
Circulatory disorders
Hypertension, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, angina pectoris
From looking at this list it may seem that acupuncture can help almost anything. The reason for this is that when performed correctly, acupuncture treats the person and not just the disease. Please think about this because there is a HUGE difference between working towards strengthening a patient so that his entire body is functional and vibrant, versus just trying to alleviate a symptom. Although symptoms quickly resolve with our treatments, we do not merely treat symptoms. We restore balance and strength to the entire person.
How many treatments will I need?
That depends on the duration, severity, and nature of your complaint. You may only need 2-3 treatments for an acute condition. A series of 4-8 treatments may resolve many chronic problems. Some degenerative conditions such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis may require many treatments over time. To help reduce the number of treatments, we will often suggest specific nutritional supplements, Chinese herbal remedies, and dietary modifications all of which will help to increase the efficacy of acupuncture and accelerate the healing process.
After the initial visit, we will outline a treatment plan that includes when you can expect to feel better. If no improvement is seen by this time period, treatment is discontinued.
Do I need to keep coming to you after I feel better?
No. One of the fears that potential patients have with alternative medicine is that the practitioner will try to make them dependent upon coming in for regular care. We don’t do this.
Our feelings are that once you become healthy and functional again, you will stay healthy and functional as long as you follow two guidelines:
1. You avoid whatever habit or activity that originally caused your problem. In other words, you will be fine as long as you don’t re-injure yourself.
2. You follow some simple habits for healthy living that include eating properly, getting enough rest, exercising properly, and managing stress. If you don’t know how to do these things we will teach you while under our care.
Patients are discharged from care once they feel healthy again and are gradually weaned onto a health maintenance program which includes certain nutritional supplements as well as periodic check-up visits (anywhere from once every one to four months depending on the person.
How long is an average treatment?
For the first treatment we will need about 45 minutes to 1 hour of your time. This is needed to perform an exam of your problem, a comprehensive health history, nutritional or herbal counseling if needed, the actual acupuncture treatment (if it's recommended), and then a report of findings so that you can understand what to expect from treatment and how long it will take for you to feel better.
For follow-up visits thereafter we will need 10 to 20 minutes of your time depending on what is being treated. Simple problems such as neck pain or knee pain will only need about 10 minutes while more complicated problems such as infertility or digestive problems will obviously need a little more time.
It’s an unfortunate aspect of modern life that we are all pressed for time. We fully realize that it’s a sacrifice for our patients to take time out of their busy schedule to come for acupuncture treatment. We guarantee that you will not be made to wait excessively for your appointment and that your care will be given in the most professional and efficient manner possible.
Is there anything I need to do before receiving an acupuncture treatment?
There are three things that you can do to help you get the most benefit from your treatment:
1. Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Women should avoid wearing one piece dresses or tight stockings. Men should avoid wearing suits or dress shirts to their appointment.
2. Do not bring your cell phone into the treatment room or at the very least turn it off before entering the office. Having the phone ring during an acupuncture session takes away from the effect of the healing and is distracting to both the Doctor and the patient.
3. Relax. You are in good hands and there is no need to be frightened. Every treatment is individually tailored to fit the patient’s comfort level and needs. Feel free to ask us any questions you may have along the way so that you can get the most benefit from your treatment.
What kind of training have you had? What are your qualifications?
See the “Practitioners” section of this website to view our credentials.
What’s the difference between a licensed acupuncturist and a medical acupuncturist?
A licensed acupuncturist (L.Ac.) has graduated from an accredited school of Traditional Chinese Medicine and has over 3500 hours of training in acupuncture as well as a formal clinical internship in acupuncture.
A medical acupuncturist is usually a medical doctor (and in some states chiropractor) who has anywhere from 100 to 300 hours of classroom training in acupuncture (usually in the form of weekend seminars) with no clinical internship. A medical acupuncturist has NOT graduated from an accredited school of acupuncture.
Obviously, the difference in knowledge, training, and quality of care between a licensed vs. certified acupuncturist is incomparable. The subject matter of acupuncture is so complex and vast that it is difficult to learn its fundamentals even after 3500 hours of training. The abbreviated 100 to 300 hour course was created for research purposes in the 1970’s and was never intended to serve as a way to train practitioners to treat the public.
It is your responsibility as the patient to ask your acupuncturist how much training he/she has received specifically in acupuncture.
I’d like to begin treatment, how do I get started?
Call the office at (201) 818-1588 to set up a time for an initial evaluation and assessment.